Preview: Chicken Police: Into The Hive – A Cluckin’ Wild Ride

Preview: Chicken Police: Into The Hive – A Cluckin' Wild Ride

Chicken Police: Paint in Red is one of those hidden gems in the adventure game genre. Sure, it has a decent rating on Steam, but you rarely hear anyone talking about it, which is such a shame if you ask me. Recently, I had the opportunity to try out an early version of the new installment, Chicken Police: Into The Hive, and here are my initial thoughts.

Returning to Featherland and MacChicken

In Into The Hive, we’re back with Sonny Featherland and Marty MacChicken, the dynamic chicken detective duo always tangled up in the grimiest cases. The preview drops us right into the middle of an investigation in a seedy part of Clawville known as The Hive.

Sonny and Marty’s Banter

While the mystery is intriguing, I spent a lot of time chatting with a drunk Marty, who’s clearly been kicked out by his wife, Laura. The back-and-forth between Sonny and Marty is a highlight, filled with respect despite their constant jabs at each other.

Once Marty sobers up, we head to the Precinct to get a warrant for The Hive. Securing those papers becomes the next objective, and here we bump into Moses and Plato, fellow detectives we don’t exactly get along with, and Monica, the reliable receptionist.

Moses and Plato

These characters aren’t just there to move the plot along; they have depth and history with our protagonists. Their conversations feel natural and engaging, enhancing the game’s immersive quality.

Monica’s Role

You’ll want to explore every dialogue option because it not only propels the story but also delves into the characters’ lives, which is a big part of what makes this game series so enjoyable.

Cracking the Case

As expected, this game is heavy on dialogue, with most detective work happening through conversations and examining your environment. Moving your cursor around reveals interactive points you can approach in various ways.

Inventory Mechanics

You’ll collect items to help move the story forward. For example, I found a baseball in the first scene and instinctively threw it at Marty to snap him out of his drunken stupor.

Exploring Multiple Locations

I visited several locations, each with its own points of interest and characters brimming with dialogue. The best part? Every line is voice-acted, making it feel like you’re part of a Noir drama, albeit with anthropomorphic characters. You’ll go back and forth between characters as you gather new information, typical point-and-click adventure style. The narrative is gripping, and I met plenty of memorable characters in just an hour of gameplay.

Stunning Presentation

Chicken Police: Into The Hive is visually stunning. Much like the first game, it nails that Noir film vibe effortlessly. Character designs, outfits, and environments are packed with intricate details.

Visual Modes

You can switch between Noir and Technicolor modes. Personally, I prefer the Noir look, but it’s fun to see the scenes in full color to appreciate the visual effort.

Soundtrack and Sound Effects

The game features a jazzy soundtrack that adds to the ambiance without being overpowering. The sound effects are immersive too. There was a moment when the in-game thunder clapped so realistically that it startled me, blending perfectly with the scene.

Final Impressions

So far, I’m thoroughly impressed with Chicken Police: Into The Hive and eagerly await the full game. The writing is top-notch, the characters are funny, and the presentation is unlike anything else. You don’t need to play the first game to enjoy this one, but it’s definitely worth checking out while you wait.

If you want to try the demo yourself…